The Toronto Star wrote an interesting article last week about the future of sports betting in Canada and the author of the piece, Dave Perkins believes Canada should open up Las Vegas Type Sportsbooks at major gaming centers like Woodbine and Casino Rama. Let%u2019s face it, the economy is being rocked world wide and with the price of oil climbing and the financial and credit crisis in the United States effecting clear view thinking world wide, it seems we%u2019ve lost our sense of direction and leadership.

Evolution has proven time and time again, people want change approximately every 7 years and if you look at the evolution of the automobile, you will see what I mean. Placing a Sportsbook in major gaming venues should be considered phase 1 of a 10 phase project. Perkins believes by placing a Sportsbook in the gaming centers from coast to coast will make people flock to these establishments and I%u2019m sure through the novelty years it will happen, but what do you do after the novelty has worn off? This reminds me of the Ottawa Lynx triple AAA baseball team, everybody came out the first few years, team won a championship, but after the novelty had worn off, the team has moved and now Ottawa doesn%u2019t have a Triple AAA team anymore.

In order for this Sportsbook plan to work, you have to create a Sports Entertainment Lifestyle Centre (SELC), not just a Sportsbook, Horse Racing and Casino area. In order to bring in people to the Sportsbooks, you will need to cater to different people who lead different lifestyles. For example, by placing softball fields and hockey rinks in each of these centers, it will then allow you to entertain softball and hockey tournaments. In fact, hosting several regional tournaments could be the stepping stone to a huge national tournament, which would then boost the economy and various industries at several levels. Why stop at sports? Why not have darts and pool tournaments or hold major concert events for all genres. Consider invitational talent shows for comedy, inventors, or have a battle of the bands at these locations? Not to mention all the %u201Cgaming industry%u201D conferences you can host and you know when dealing with a vice industry like gaming, it%u2019s always a huge draw! In fact, here%u2019s a great opportunity to educate the general public who are new to sports betting; why not have some of the top sports handicappers or poker players in the country go on tour and give educational sessions on how to avoid major pitfalls of gambling and learn to be a better recreational sports bettor or poker player. Do you really think pro line will be around in another 10 years under the same pick 3 format? I don%u2019t! Eventually, the general public will realize that Pro line is nothing more than a properly orchestrated outlet that favors the house.

Plopping a Sportsbook is just phase-1, eventually evolution will force politicians and higher ups to regulate online gaming and through regulation, they will be able to assist cash crunched sectors such as health and social programs which are in dire need of financial assistance.

Instead of waiting and watching the situation worsen for establishments like Woodbine and other horse racing tracks around the country who compete vs. offshore Sportsbooks who don%u2019t pay any taxes in Canada, why don%u2019t we get the ball rolling and start talking and educating society that this is not just about putting Sportsbooks and Casinos in every corner of the market so you can gamble your life way, but more about creating a lifestyle that has gaming ties involved, which in part will help the economy now!

We need to get rid of this notion that sports betting or gaming in general is about gambling your life way, as most people are responsible gamers who have control of their situation. Just because somebody has 2 beers at a hockey game doesn%u2019t make them a drunk right?

Bottom line, the economy needs a shot in the arm right now, not tomorrow or next week, but today! Furthermore, we need to start creating more jobs, so people can start working and by creating these Sports Entertainment Lifestyle Centers and regulating online gaming, will stimulate growth in various sectors.

Join the fastest growing industry in the world and let%u2019s start creating some jobs!

The Toronto Star wrote an interesting article last week about the future of sports betting in Canada and the author of the piece, Dave Perkins believes Canada should open up Las Vegas Type Sportsbooks at major gaming centers like Woodbine and Casino Rama. Let%u2019s face it, the economy is being rocked world wide and with the price of oil climbing and the financial and credit crisis in the United States effecting clear view thinking world wide, it seems we%u2019ve lost our sense of direction and leadership.

Evolution has proven time and time again, people want change approximately every 7 years and if you look at the evolution of the automobile, you will see what I mean. Placing a Sportsbook in major gaming venues should be considered phase 1 of a 10 phase project. Perkins believes by placing a Sportsbook in the gaming centers from coast to coast will make people flock to these establishments and I%u2019m sure through the novelty years it will happen, but what do you do after the novelty has worn off? This reminds me of the Ottawa Lynx triple AAA baseball team, everybody came out the first few years, team won a championship, but after the novelty had worn off, the team has moved and now Ottawa doesn%u2019t have a Triple AAA team anymore.

In order for this Sportsbook plan to work, you have to create a Sports Entertainment Lifestyle Centre (SELC), not just a Sportsbook, Horse Racing and Casino area. In order to bring in people to the Sportsbooks, you will need to cater to different people who lead different lifestyles. For example, by placing softball fields and hockey rinks in each of these centers, it will then allow you to entertain softball and hockey tournaments. In fact, hosting several regional tournaments could be the stepping stone to a huge national tournament, which would then boost the economy and various industries at several levels. Why stop at sports? Why not have darts and pool tournaments or hold major concert events for all genres. Consider invitational talent shows for comedy, inventors, or have a battle of the bands at these locations? Not to mention all the %u201Cgaming industry%u201D conferences you can host and you know when dealing with a vice industry like gaming, it%u2019s always a huge draw! In fact, here%u2019s a great opportunity to educate the general public who are new to sports betting; why not have some of the top sports handicappers or poker players in the country go on tour and give educational sessions on how to avoid major pitfalls of gambling and learn to be a better recreational sports bettor or poker player. Do you really think pro line will be around in another 10 years under the same pick 3 format? I don%u2019t! Eventually, the general public will realize that Pro line is nothing more than a properly orchestrated outlet that favors the house.

Plopping a Sportsbook is just phase-1, eventually evolution will force politicians and higher ups to regulate online gaming and through regulation, they will be able to assist cash crunched sectors such as health and social programs which are in dire need of financial assistance.

Instead of waiting and watching the situation worsen for establishments like Woodbine and other horse racing tracks around the country who compete vs. offshore Sportsbooks who don%u2019t pay any taxes in Canada, why don%u2019t we get the ball rolling and start talking and educating society that this is not just about putting Sportsbooks and Casinos in every corner of the market so you can gamble your life way, but more about creating a lifestyle that has gaming ties involved, which in part will help the economy now!

We need to get rid of this notion that sports betting or gaming in general is about gambling your life way, as most people are responsible gamers who have control of their situation. Just because somebody has 2 beers at a hockey game doesn%u2019t make them a drunk right?

Bottom line, the economy needs a shot in the arm right now, not tomorrow or next week, but today! Furthermore, we need to start creating more jobs, so people can start working and by creating these Sports Entertainment Lifestyle Centers and regulating online gaming, will stimulate growth in various sectors.

Join the fastest growing industry in the world and let%u2019s start creating some jobs!

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